Music Festival LA Summer Concert Tickets
Los Angeles, CA

Music Festival LA Summer Concert Tickets

Music Festival LA Summer Concert: What to expect - 1
Music Festival LA Summer Concert Tickets

About Music Festival LA Summer Concert

This summer concert will feature youth orchestras, choirs, soloists, and chamber ensembles to be a festival for young musicians and music lovers. As the goal of the Music Festival LA Summer Concert is to help young generations be engaged in youth orchestra activities and to inspire them to enjoy the performing arts for life, this concert will be a culmination of their year-long efforts for self-development at their local school orchestras, choir, band and ensembles as well as a peak of their intensive summer music camp.

Start date

July 8th, 2023

End date

July 8th, 2023



Walt Disney Concert Hall

111 S Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 90012


Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.

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